Fuel Prices in Greece

Published by DataForGreece
Last Update 2024-11-01
Date Added 2024-11-09
Category Economy
Data dates 2017/01 - 2024/11
Source 🔗 Ministry of Development and Competitiveness

Data Description

This dataset shows daily fuel prices across Greece, including fuel types, station counts, average prices, and report IDs to help consumers understand pricing trends. Shared by the Ministry of Development on fuelprices.gr, it aims to keep consumers informed. While efforts are made to ensure accuracy, the Ministry publishes data as received from stations and does not guarantee completeness.

Data Preprocessing

The individual pdf files are merged into a single dataset and cleaned to ensure consistency.

Data Accessibility

You can download and analyze the data in Excel by clicking the "Download" button at the top of the page. If the download button is unavailable, click the "Ask" button to make a request.

Alternatively, you can analyze the data online using the public dataset directly in Google BigQuery with the following query

SELECT * FROM dataforgreece.public_data.fuel_prices_greece_v

Dataset Definitions

Column Description
product Type of fuel (e.g., gasoline, diesel, etc.).
pdf_url URL of the PDF document associated with the report.
pdf_date Date the PDF document was generated
report_date Date the report refers to, which is the date of the last available measurement (actual data date).
number_of_stations Number of fuel stations reporting prices in Greece.
average_price Average price of the fuel for the recorded date among all fuel stations in Greece.
protocol_numner Unique identifier for each report.

Related Charts

1. ID: fuel-prices-greece-daily

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<iframe src="https://dataforgreece.com/charts/fuel-prices-greece-daily/" frameborder="0" style="border: 0; width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can specify a specific width in pixels (e.g., 700px), and the height will adjust automatically.

<iframe src="https://dataforgreece.com/charts/fuel-prices-greece-daily/" frameborder="0" style="border: 0; width: 700px; aspect-ratio: 4 / 3;" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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The data presented here are intended exclusively for educational and informational purposes. They are not intended for commercial use, nor do they constitute legal, professional, or advisory guidance. The information is provided 'as is' without any guarantees of accuracy or completeness. Any use of this data is solely the responsibility of the user. If you notice any problems or want to report an issue related to the data, contact us at dataforgreece@outlook.com